If you have been following along with our Facebook/Twitter updates the last few months, you’ve likely picked up on a theme – this family has been sick, sick, and more sick! It has been a long, tough winter for the Jones clan complete with too many colds to count, a stomach bug or eight, the flu, Bronchialitis, RSV, and many other little ailments along the way. It has been a vicious cycle which really took its toll on our spirits and had us wondering if we were ever going to be “us” again. Well the family has been completely healthy for about two weeks now so we decided it was time to venture out on another memory-making journey…destination: Paris……………………Texas.
That’s right, there is a town in Texas named Paris and it sits in the northeast, piny woods of our state, about a six hour drive from Austin. Once you reach Paris and discover that there really isn’t much there worth hanging around for you can head a little further east to find a cabin in the woods owned by my parents, otherwise known as Nana and Bapa. To get there, you’ll drive through Blossom, Reno, and then Detroit (population: 786), hang two more lefts the last of which puts you on a dirt- and gravel-covered county road, then take one more left through the gate and onto the property which holds the aforementioned cabin.
The cabin isn’t anything fancy – one room and no TV or indoor plumbing, but there is running water and electricity (which is required if you have any hope of convincing Miss Casey Ann to make the trip). And of course, there is a hammock out back that seems to be almost always occupied. My dad, my brother, and I built the cabin, most of it anyway about 10 years ago over one really hot and humid week in late July. Since that time, a small kitchen, a fireplace, a covered porch and a few other “luxuries” have been added on with quite a few helpers along the way and plenty of elbow grease from my mom at each and every step.
It didn’t take long after we got there to get into some serious fun – four wheeling*, fishing** (there is a two-acre lake near the front of the property), shooting guns***, more fishing**, flying kites****, making s’mores*****, canoeing******, and then more fishing** and four wheeling* to make sure everyone was good and wiped out. The kids, as you might imagine, had a blast! And in spite of the challenge of organizing and managing a trip of this magnitude for our family, the adults had a blast as well!
Legal fine print and disclaimers:
*No kids were hurt while four wheeling and all safety precautions were observed.
**No kids were hurt while fishing and all hooks were dulled down so that no eyes could be poked out.
***No kids were allowed to even think about shooting guns, they wore Kevlar suits the entire weekend whether we were shooting or not, and were put in timeout if they said a word that even resembled the word “gun”.
****No kids suffered any rope burns or were hit by out-of-control kites. All kids wore protective gloves and stood behind a blast shield while flying kites to ensure their safety.
*****No kids were allowed near the fire and were drenched with fire-retardant chemicals to ensure they would not spontaneously combust from the fun of making s’mores.
******No kids were drowned while canoeing. Actually, I think no kids even got to go on a canoe ride because they were all in timeout for saying they were having fun (see note above, re: guns).
In other news, we are getting close to “Quints by Surprise” making its return to TLC!! We still have no exact date from the network, but we promise the show will return soon! Believe us, we are very, very anxious for season two to begin – we filmed some great stuff and can’t wait to see it all come back to life! We will make an announcement as soon as TLC makes something official!
Brilliant blog! Sounds like you had a ball.
Looks like you guys had a great time !!!! Cant wait to see the new episodes !
Oh my gosh!! All of that was so cute and funny!! I can’t wait to see more pictures and hear all the details!! Love you guys!!
Jack didn’t like that shower at all. They are so cute. I can’t wait until the show starts again. I am glad that you had such a good time.
LOVED seeing the pics. I love the disclaimers about the activities. Too funny!!
So cute how you can share something you built with your dad and brother with your daughter, and now quints. Your family isn’t wild at all by the way! You all seem very sweet. Well- I am one kid of 7. So it doesn’t seem wild to me. However, I am sure to you guys going from just 1 to 6 kids with no other experience must seem crazy
LOL!! LOVE the “legal disclaimers”! Very cute!
So glad your show will be returning soon. I have been watching for it and actually did a search of the TV listing that comes in the paper to see if you would return this week. I saw a commercial featuring your family and I admit to being surprised at how big your children have grown.
Glad everyone was healthy enough for a trip to the cabin! Excellent memories to have times like that for them to relive. Have them draw a picture of what they did during your time at the cabin and put it in a memory book for each of them. They’ll laugh at those pics later, but right now it’ll be so cute!
The “legal disclaimers” crack me up!! Love it!
Looks like you all had a blast! And I am SO jealous to see you guys in shorts and short sleeves!! Cannot wait until its warm enough here in Boston for us to go on trip with Kamryn!
Everyone is getting so big!! The babies aren’t looking so much like babies anymore!!
I have got to say that I LOVE your show….You made my day when you stated you will be back on TLC. I can’t wait! My daughter is having twins and has a 3 year old she is kind of worried about being able to get out with three…after seeing your family and how you take out 6 kids not only outside but on trips..AMAZING!
I love your show and your family!!! I was wondering if you could give an update about the Quints if you have them. Like how tall they are and how much they weigh. I was wondering of Little B has caught up yet?
Oh my Goodness! Sounds like everybody had the best time!!! I absolutely can not wait until season two starts!!!
Thanks for reminding me to check the blog site! fun times in the piney woods! Good to see you today, keep up the good work.
Loved your show,here in Ireland.Your website is great,Thanks for keeping us updated!Looks like you had a great time camping out!
This post is so funny! Looks like lots of fun! As I was fast forwarding commercials during a recorded “Say Yes to the Dress” this morning I caught a glimpse of a SC Johnson family company commercial including your sweet family. I was so excited to see it and I am really looking forward to the new season!
I wish I had gone with ya. I could use a week in a place as beautiful as that one!
Your disclaimers had me seriously laughing.
Patiently awaiting your families return. It’s the only reason I’m keeping the dang Dish Network. Seriously.
We are extremely excited to see season two. I have a 3 year old daughter and your show is her absolute favorite!! It is the only show that I can sit and watch with her and enjoy as much as she does. We will be waiting to see your beautiful family.
Sounds like alot of fun! Can’t wait until season 2 starts.
Can’t wait for your show to return :D It’s one of my favorites!
Dear Jones,
I just saw you on The Oprah show in The Netherlands!!
(We are a couple of shows behind)
I just want to say that you have a beautiful family,it’s full with love!!
I don’t know you in person,but i could see that you love your children and each other very much!!
I hope that you all will be happy,healthy and blessed now and in the future!!
Much love from The Netherlands,
Isn’t it so nice to get away??!!! We are a camping family so I know how just a weekend somewhere, anywhere, does wonders for all of us.
Glad you all had a great time.