Making memories and starting traditions, that was the theme of this year’s Easter Holiday for the Jones family this year…oh, and completely wearing ourselves out!! We had both sets of grandparents plus Summer and Angel in town for the weekend and I think we did enough activities to make up for the last couple of years’ low-key affairs (if you do not know who Summer and Angel are and would like to know their story, click here: Summer and Angel). Here is a rundown of what Saturday alone involved: riding bikes, throwing rocks in the river, decorating Easter eggs, playing soccer, wearing out a hammock, playing on the patio, grilling, and topping it all off with our first annual attempt at making cake balls! Needless to say, we were exhausted…joyfully exhausted!! The weather was gorgeous so we took the babies out back and spent most of the afternoon watching them rummage around in the grass and the sun…they loved it!
The next day wasn’t quite as eventful, but it was every bit as hectic. We finally ventured out – all eight of us plus the rest of the family – and made it to church for the Fab Five’s first experience with the nursery. The babies were a little unsure of things when we first dropped them off. Ok, let’s be honest, there was some enraged screaming, but all of that was a memory when we came back to get them. It was so good to be back at Riverbend Church and to actually get to sit in the pews and enjoy the service. The message was incredible, as always (Thank you, Dr. Dave! Love Wins!!).
And then of course, after the service we made it back to the house for lunch and the much anticipated Easter egg hunt! Summer, Angel, and Eliot led the charge as expected, but the babies held their own, especially Lila and Ryan. Those two somehow knew exactly what to do – pick the eggs up and put them in the basket (we won’t mention to them the part about eating the junk candy that awaits inside the colorful shells). Brooklyn seemed to do ok as well, but at one point an egg opened up spilling Nerds all over the grass and that was the end of Brooklyn’s hunt. When that happened, she just sat there and picked Nerds out of the grass and ate them, paying no mind to the dozen or so eggs that were right beside her…that girl loves to eat! Britton didn’t really seem to catch on and Jack just wanted to chew on the egg that he found. Maybe next year they’ll come around to Ryan, Lila, and Brooklyn’s way of thinking… :)
Before I continue with the latest news, let me tell you a little about the widget that you see below. It is a new tool powered by UkuMi that we are test-driving for the site that is similar to the widget in the sidebar. It shows different websites, products, books, and other stuff that we have found useful to our little world and allows readers to engage with everything listed. What you see below is the next generation of that widget and it is a major improvement over the last one. It is more interactive, easier to use, and more collaborative than the original version. Here are a few words from the creators as to how UkuMi’s concepts work:
“The highlights of UkuMi’s social apps depend on how you use them. Anyone can sign up for free with UkuMi and create collections of their favorite things for the purpose of sharing “stuff worth knowing about” with their online readers/friends. We are hoping that bloggers and website owners will use UkuMi’s social apps to collaboratively build Collections of the images, websites, posts, products and news articles that are relevant to their Communities. UkuMi users can swap Collection items with each other, as well as rate, comment and recommend new cool stuff that’s relevant to them and their Community. As the network of UkuMi users grows, so will the diversity of the Collection items and Communities represented – leading to more great stuff to be discovered by the entire UkuMi network!”
If you have not given the widget a look, check it out today and let us know what you think!
Finally, I have a few other bits of news and good times to share with you. First of all, Lila Addison has officially graduated from her DOC Band…good thing because she has mastered the two-second-overhand-helmet-removal technique that is sure to drive every parent of a DOC Bander crazy! Jack still has at least a month to go and has also mastered the helmet removal technique, but does not seem to remove it as often now that he is not competing with Lila for fastest removal time and sneakiest technique…
And last, but not least we took the babies out yesterday to watch Eliot’s soccer game and they did so good! Unfortunately they will never be allowed back because Eliot’s team lost the game, a clear indication that the babies put a hex on our little soccer superstar’s fortunes… ;-) After the game we all went over and played on the playscape for awhile before shuttling back home for a meal and a nap…unfortunately the adults did not get to partake in the nap…bummer! Thank you, Jennifer and Megan, for all of your help!!
I hope everyone’s Easter Holiday was as fun and fantastic as ours was! Y’all take care… :)
Wow! Congrats on the upcoming show. I hope it goes the best for you all. Sounds like the Jones family had a fantastic Easter and then some. We took some of our own pictures in the Blue Bonnets too. I learned of the tradition in 2007 when we moved here. Texans are definitely proud of their Blue Bonnets! As always, thanks for sharing!
It looks like everyone had a great time!
I thought I commented on this one already… Guess not. haha Making memories is so important and y’all are doing an awesome job!