She is without a doubt the sweetest little thing I have ever known and I seriously, seriously doubt that there will ever be a time in my life in which that statement will not be true…at least I hope not! Brooklyn Faith is as girlie-girlie-girl as you can get and you could tell it from the day she was born. From her big, beautiful, brown eyes, her long lashes, and her dainty smile to her super-sweet little cry, her giddiness over new outfits, and her ever present princess tiaras, Brooklyn is a princess through and through! She loves pink and nothing else will do! She dresses up as a princess and would not give a thought to doing otherwise. She drinks out of a pink princess cup, eats off of a pink princess plate, throws major fits when she doesn’t get to wear her pink princess jammies, and really cares nothing about anything other than pink princesses!
She is Brooklyn Faith, aka: Big B, Sweet Baby B, and somewhat surprisingly, our Goofy Gal. Brooklyn is a silly heart and her goofiness is as heartwarming as is her big, beautiful smile! While the other kids spend their days laughing, wrestling, and playing with each other, Big B spends a good deal of her time off in her own little world…somewhere bright and sunny and full of bunnies hopping through fields of flowers. Yes, she is a bit of a space cadet with her head in the stars and her feet nowhere near the grounds of reality…something tells me she will be the object of no small amount of goodhearted, loving laughter and the cause of many, many confounded shakes of the head.
She is as easy going as a spring breeze, as warm as a summer sunset, as gentle as an autumn leaf falling to the ground, and as striking as fresh-fallen snow on the Aspens of Colorado. She is all of that and more…as long as you don’t cross her! As I am sure you know from every kid’s steady diet of Disney princess movies, a good princess is a strong princess, ready to fight for her love, to the death if necessary. And when Brooklyn has been wronged, when the object of her love has been besmirched, Brooklyn will rise up and strike you down with the fury of a thousand bolts of lightning! (Seriously, the girl will scratch, kick, and punch if you violate her space…we’re working on it…)
Truth be told, it is hard to say what kind of future is in store for us as Brooklyn continues to amble along on her life’s path. Of course, we don’t really know what is in store for us with any of the kids, but with Brooklyn, it just seems a little bit more…….unclear. She moves at a slower pace than the others, in all her ways, and her frequent flights to her own little world will definitely be a challenge when it comes time for the realities of kindergarten and beyond. And I can only imagine the heartbreak that will befall our little butterfly when a rude and rowdy boy or a mercilessly mean little girl says something to offend the princess’s sensibilities. Jeez, I can only imagine the heartbreak that will ensue when her bunny stuffty gets roughed up a bit or when she breaks her first fingernail or when a flower she has picked to wear in her hair wilts and dies without saying goodbye…forget about all of the truly difficult things that will come her way!!
As are all little girls, Brooklyn Faith is definitely a special little thing. She is everything a little girl could possibly be – sugar and spice and everything nice…(except when you cross her!! If you do that, you had better have said your prayers that day!) Yes, it seems that God had an overabundance of love in his heart the day he knit Brooklyn together in her mother’s womb……….and we are all the richer for it!!!
God bless,
Brooklyn sounds like she’s a dreamer. You may wish to suggest to her a writing career, or acting. She has been given the gift of dreaming and dreamers are usually creative and sensitive. Thus, they are also likely to see the world a little differently than others. Reality is reality, but escaping is more enjoyable. Reading may become a passion as she learns that books can take her to new places, teach her truths as well as expose her to the classics and adventure.
On the negative side — as you’ve already experienced — those who get in her way may wish to buy life insurance first. Her dreams are the most important part of her life right now and she will protect them as much as possible. Divert that into creativity and life may be easier. Teach her to paint, to draw, to dance and those dreams will expand into reality.
How do I know?
From one dreamer to another.
Wow I thought my little Chloe was the only one like that. Brooklyn will be fine. I use to worry that Chloe would be behind because she is always dazing out into her own world and then she will do something amazing like point out shapes I have only showed her once or say “Apple juice” when she hasn’t spoken in 2 days. Some little girls are sweet and then can turn on the fire. I believe she will surprise you alot in her life. Sometimes it’s the quiet, reserved, girly girls that shock us all. I think all of your children are awesome and you and Casey are providing them with so many ways to learn and grow . I have 3 children with 3 different personalities. I tend to worry about someone all the time and then God reminds me that all I need to do is love them, teach them about Him and ask for his help when needed. And I do!! Take care and God bless all of you.
You guys are so blessed to have such a great family! Brooklyn is such an sweet big quintuplet sister :D
hi ethan when are you going to post again??
I wish you posted more often :(