Wow, has it really been two years since The Quint Invasion began its all out assault on our once quiet little family?? YES, it most definitely has! And while some of the times seem like they just happened for us yesterday, most of it seems like it was ages ago. We’ve packed more activity and change and joy and struggle into these last two years than anyone would ever guess possible, but somehow we’ve found ourselves happier, healthier, and hopefully a wee bit wiser at the end of this 24 month journey than when we began…
So happy birthday to The Fab Five!! Happy 2nd anniversary of quint sisterhood to Eliot McKenna and happy 2 years of survival and memory making to Casey Ann and me!! It has been surreal almost all of the time, stressful much of the time, joyful and memorable every last second of the time……………..and here’s to many more years ahead filled with much more of the same!!!! We love you Brooklyn, Britton, Jack, Lila, Ryan, and of course Eliot!!
Happy Birthday, Brooklyn Faith!! First born of The Fab Five, the sweetest of the bunch (not an easy title to hold with this crew!!), and a much needed dose of calm amidst the storms that roll through our home on a regular basis!
Happy Birthday, Britton Grace!! Call her Baby B, Itty-Bitty, Little B, Little Mighty, or Britt-Britt, but don’t call her a wallflower! Second born, first to let you know it doesn’t matter!!
Happy Birthday, Jack William!! In the middle while in utero, born in the middle, and likely consigned to a life of being in the middle of all of these crazy girls, but still keeping his cool! Yep, he’s still “Laid Back Jack”…most of the time….!! :)
Happy Birthday, Lila Addison!! Our Eliot clone in appearance and in deed, mischievous and adventurous, the fourth born is usually the first in line for any new adventure, though Lila is often the one to form her own line leading to the adventure she prefers to embark upon!!
Happy Birthday, Ryan Elizabeth!! Ryan the Lion is now simply “Ry-Ry”…last born, but star of the show; quick to smile and quick to cry…always a joy!!
Happy 2 Years of Quint Sisterhood, Eliot McKenna!! A little unsure of things at first, now she’s a pro!! Her star continues to shine just as bright even with five little understudies vying for the spotlight!!
Thank you to Ella Bella Photography for continuing to provide our family with incredible pictures to help us tell the story of life as a Jones!!
**Due to our filming commitments with TLC, we unfortunately cannot share pictures or other details of the holiday season, the Quints’ birthday party, or any other events that have happened along with filming new episodes of “Quints By Surprise”. It is sooooo hard for us not to be able to share more, but once the new episodes hit the air, we will definitely post pictures of all of the activities involved!!**
Happy 2nd Birthday Brooklyn, Britton, Jack, Lila, and Ryan! What a wonderful two years it has been! Thank you so much Ethan and Casey for letting me be a part of your lives. Your family brings me so much joy and those babies just never fail to put a smile on my face! I feel so blessed to know y’all and I’m thankful for everyday I get to spend with your amazing family. Ok, I’m going to stop now before I start crying! Love you guys!!!
Happy Birthday precious babies!!! I’m so blessed to know you guys! You will never know the impact you have made on my life for letting me be a part of yours. I am truly thankful! I can’t believe the quints are two already!! Time really flies when you’re having fun!!
Happy 2nd birthday to all your sweet babies! I’ve been following your story since seeing your show. Your quints share the same birthday as my oldest daughter who turned 4 today and the born the same year as my youngest who will be 2 in March. I hope they had a wonderful celebration today!
Ethan–you have said it all. Perfect! I am very proud of you, Casey, Eliot, Brooklyn, Britton, Jack, Lila and Ryan!!
Happy birthday Fab Five!! Congrats to Ethan and Casey for not only surviving the last two years but remembering to enjoy it along the way! You two are a huge inspiration! And way to go big sis Eliot! The babies are blessed to call you big sister!
Happy Birthday, FF & E (anniversary for E)! I look forward to seeing the show’s footage of the birthday celebrations.
I am so glad your family was signed for another season! We get to watch them get a little older and we get to share in their learning, growing and laughter. I look forward to seeing the family again.
Casey and Ethan, thank you for your courage. Opening your lives up to public scrutiny is not an easy task, I know. But when you took that leap of faith and followed God’s lead, you gave us the joy of sharing in your lives, in your love for your family, each other and God. Thank you for sharing. It may be difficult, but it is something we are glad of.
And, honestly, I’m so sorry some people make it difficult for you. God bless you now and always.
Happy Birthday to all of you!! (each for different reasons). We pray for you daily and look forward to when we can see you in the future. Sending hugs and God’s blessings!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! i cant believe it has been 2 years already. ive been watching your show since the begining and it always brings a smile to my face.
god bless
Hard to belive their still the same kids as last year!! They’ve changed so much! Happy Birthday babies and @ Years of Quint Sisterhood to Ms. Eliot ;)
Happy 2nd Birthday!! I absolutely love the girl’s matching outfits!
Wow, hope you are having a great birthday, day! Our lil Zack is enjoying his 5th bday today!It is so true about time going too fast, we just must remember to put the broom down and have a hug and giggle! My 3 kids and I will enjoy seeing your show again soon.Denise.
Such a great sweet post. 2 years!! So crazy!
I love your family. God bless each and everyone of you. I pray TLC will continue many more years of helping us stay up to date with your family. From the state of Alabama, your sister in Christ,Donna
I am so glad you are doing another show!! I have missed it ever since the season ended.
God Bless<3
Adorable pictures…. can’t wait for the second season to begin on TLC!
Happy Birthday to your five lil’ cuties and Congrats to you and your big cutie Eliot! You survived 2 years of what most people couldn’t survive 2 minutes. I have followed you since the quints were born and have 6 month old twin boys of my own. Your show gives me the strength and courage I need when I’m at my wits end. Thank you and I can’t wait to see your next season. God Bless!
Will your show come back??? I hope so, I just think your family is sweet and you and your wife are wonderful
Can’t wait for the new season to start. I really miss you and you’re family.
Just wanted to say congrats on 2 years and my 2 and 4 year old daughters are so happy that another season will air, the PVR’d episodes are getting a little repetitive:). Thank you for sharing your life, it makes for great family t.v and your family is awesome! All the way in Vancouver, Canada!
I love your family “show”, even though it’s just “life” to you-it is very entertaining!
Please stay married no matter what! I’m tired of reality families being broken up by fame. God Bless you!
Amazing how quickly the time passes isn’t it? Congratulations on surviving with a smile on your face even if sometimes it may have been the “fake it til you make it!” kind. It truly is not where you get in life but how you get there that really matters! And you all seem to “get there” with such grace!
Happy Birthday Precious Two Year Olds!
Two years old! Yay! I loved watching y’all back when you were on TLC a lot, I hope it won’t be long of a wait to see this cutsie family on TV again. It’s fun watching the kids, as we too have a 6 yr old daughter and a 2 yr old daughter. And it’s the same crazy chaos here, just a bit more manageable, but not really sometimes! God Bless y’all and congrats on the BIG 2!
I am looking forward to season two. You
have a beautiful family. My husband and
I have been blessed with eight children
and we have a lot in common with you.
Congrats on the big 2 birthday. Cherish
everyday as time flies and before you know
it you will have a house full of teenagers!
Take care and god bless you all.
OMG I love the girls outfits where did you get them? They are so cute!!!!!!!!!